About andare'

Elevated travel, always personalized to you.

At Andare’, our mission is to help you go where you want to—with confidence, and with the key to unlock the special experiences you’ve only dared to dream about.

We work one-on-one with you to create a custom itinerary that taps into your own passions. Because when a journey dovetails with what lights you up, you walk away with a deeper—and often surprising—appreciation for what you love.

[an·dà·re] (italian): To go


Lose yourself in awe—
let Andare’ take you there.

As your personal travel advisor, my job is to create these transformational moments of awe for you. That may be bringing you up close to works like David or the Mona Lisa on private, after-hours tours, or that may be hiking through cloud forests to Machu Picchu, scaling the Sagrada Familia in Spain, or snorkeling through kaleidoscopic coral reefs in Hawaii.

Your passions point the way, and my connections make it all possible. My clients tend to be seekers; travelers who aren’t just hopping on a flight to escape life, but are making the journey to find something.

I’d be honored to help you find your way to awe with Andare’.

Hi, I’m Rachel—former art historian, lover of all things Europe, and founder of Andare’ Luxury Travel. I started my own travel agency to meld my interests in art, architecture, and history with bespoke vacation design.

I believe that travel is the ultimate teacher. No history book or art slide can compare to living, breathing, and tasting a place where great things happened—and where great people thrived. Travel is multi-sensory and multi-dimensional; through travel, the past and present converge.

I learned that for myself when I saw Michelangelo’s masterful David sculpture for the very first time. As an art history major, I had studied the work in art history books, had examined every angle and inch of the sculpture during class lectures.

But going from a 2D representation to an in real life viewing was something else entirely. Following the crowds into Florence's Accademia, I was buzzing with anticipation—and with a little nervousness too. Would David live up to my expectations?

Finally, I found myself amongst the throngs surrounding David. As my gaze traveled upward to find his, I knew at once what had drawn the masses throughout the ages to this masterpiece. Every twist of his torso was familiar—but viewing David’s wary gaze, relaxed-yet-primed stance, and elegant lines up close held no comparison.

This was how Michelangelo meant for his work to be consumed. The art books could never tell the full story. And as the crowds faded into the background, I felt immensely blessed and overwhelmed (in the best kind of way!) to experience it all for myself.

Meet Rachel Stankovic

Your Luxury Travel Advisor

At Andare’, we believe travel has the power to change people—and it begins here. We collaborate with our clients to plan expertly curated travel experiences based on your individual passions, palate, and desires. With Andare’, the places you’ve dreamt of come into full focus.

Words lift off the page, color leaps from the canvas, and you’re fully enveloped in a place of sublime beauty.

Curated luxury travel that colors outside the lines

Travel Services

A fascinating place to discover the layers of thousands of years of history, Istanbul is a modern and vibrant city.

03. Istanbul, Turkey

While hiking the Inca Trail, I wandered through a cloud forest; being fully enveloped in the clouds made for a supremely peaceful moment.

02. Machu Picchu, Peru

Renting a Ferrari for my son to drive through the hills of Tuscany was a thrill I will never forget and a great way to celebrate his high school graduation.

01. Florence, Italy


A Few of My Favorite

Color outside the lines on
your custom-crafted escape.

Ready to start a journey that goes beyond the ordinary? Schedule your call today to begin crafting your next extraordinary adventure.

Ready to Andare'?